Cienega Elementary School

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Spring Community Event

Spring Community Event
5/21/2022, 8:30 AM 10:30 AM
Cienega Elem

Good Afternoon Cienega Families,
This is a reminder that our family and community Spring festival at Cienega Elementary School will be this Saturday, May 21st, from 8:30 to 10:30 am. Please join us for a fun family day!
If you have gardening and cleaning tools, we ask that you please bring them with you. If you want to donate soil and plants that are drought-resistant , you can bring them with you.
There will be a Mobile Vaccination Clinic on campus for Covid-19 to provide vaccinations for children and adults. You will need to bring your ID. There will be an incentive for the first 100 people that get vaccinated.
We hope to see you here!
Thank you.

Buenas tardes familias de Ciénega,
Este es un recordatorio de que nuestro festival de primavera familiar y comunitario en la Escuela Primaria Cienega será este sábado 21 de mayo de 8:30 a 10:30 am. ¡Únase a nosotros para un día divertido en familia!
Si tiene herramientas de jardinería y limpieza, le pedimos que las traiga con usted. Si desea donar plantas que sean resistentes a la sequía y tierra, puede traerlas con usted.
Habrá una Clínica Móvil de Vacunación en el campus para Covid-19 para proporcionar vacunas para niños y adultos. Deberá traer su identificación. Habrá un incentivo para las primeras 100 personas que se vacunen.
¡Esperamos verlo aquí!

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